Welcome to Leah's House
Frequently Asked Questions
“Leah's House has been a lifeline for me during a difficult time. The support and guidance I received have helped me overcome challenges and move forward with confidence. I am grateful for their compassionate care.”
[Susan M.]
" I have a disability and found myself in the hospital for a time and it became clear I could no longer live by myself without any help. I spoke with the social worker at the hospital, and they gave me some numbers to get some assistance in finding somewhere to live. I spoke to Leah's House and the advocate helped me find an apartment and helped me get set up with help from a home aide to help with personal and household stuff I can no longer do myself. They also helped me get my food stamps back and also free bus rides. Leah's House helped me when I wasnt sure what to do." [John T.]
Contact us
Contact us for services
Leah's House
Des Plaines, Illinois, United States
About us
Leah's House is a not for profit organization offering services to those in need.
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